Tabel of Contents |
Vol. 7 , Num. 1 & 2 |
Volume 7, Number 1&2 , 2012
Research papers |
The Status and Breeding Population of the Spur-winged Lapwing Vanellus spinosus in Cyprus I.Charalambidou, N. Kassinis, S. G?cel & W. Fuller pages 1-8
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Breeding Ecology
Preliminary Survey of the Breeding Biology of the Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio in Anzali wetland, Southwest Caspian Sea N. Nourani Najafi, E. Kahrom, M. Karami pages 9-15
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Breeding of Black-winged Kite Elanus caeruleus in Fars Province, Iran M. Vosoghi, A. Ashoori, H. Kami pages 16-20
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Diet Composition of the Barn Owl Tyto alba (Aves: Tytonidae) and the Spotted Owlet Athene brama (Aves: Strigidae) Coexisting in an Urban Environment A. Mohamed Samsoor Ali & R. Santhanakrishnan pages 21-32
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Bird Migration
Recoveries of Ringed Terns in the Northern Persian Gulf, Iran F.H. Tayefeh, M. Zakaria, H. Amini, D. Khodadoust, K. Darvishi, Z. Elahi-Rad & S. Ghasemi pages 33-37
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Impact of Forest Degradation on Breeding Birds of the Talysh Mountains in the Azerbaijan Republic M. Heiss pages 38-51
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Short Communications
Brahminy Starling Sturnus pagodarum – a new breeding species for Tajikistan P.V. Kvartalnov & A.G. Abdulnazarov pages 52-53
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Sistan (Afghan) Scrub Sparrow Passer (moabiticus) yatii : Notes on Common Name, Status and Threats R. Ayé, T. Roth, S. Isa Sayed & T. Stalling pages 54-58
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Population and Food of the White-cheeked Barbet Megalaima viridis in a Rural Agro-ecosystem, Western Ghats Region, Kerala, Southern India M. Basheer & K.M. Aarif pages 59-61
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Breeding Biology of the Common Whitethroat Sylvia communis in Taleghan Area, Southern Slope of the Alborz Mountains S.H. Khatami pages 62-65
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Assessment of Nickel Levels in Feathers of Two Bird Species from Southern Iran B. Mansouri, E. Hoshyari, A. Pourkhabbaz, H. Babaei pages 66-70
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Wesca Wildlife Network /
Bird Conservation Society of Iran