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West & Central Asian Ornithological Journal

Tabel of Contents


 Vol. 16 , Num. 1/2

Volume 16, Number 1/2 , 2021
Research papers
Population ecology
Effects of Environmental Variables on the Distribution of the Iranian Ground Jay Podoces pleskei Zarudny, 1896 in Kerman Province
F. Alizadeh, M.E. Sehhatisabet, B. Nezami, A. Jahani & S. Shafiei Bafti
pages 1-12
PDF (700 K)
Migratory Sites of Kashmir Flycatcher Ficedula subrubra in Nilgiris and its Migratory Status in India
N. Moinudheen & A. Samson
pages 13-17
PDF (540 K)
Bird population
Nesting Record of Black-and-Orange Flycatcher Ficedula nigrorufa in Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
A. Samson, J.L. Princy, N. Moinudheen & J. Ranjitha
pages 18-19
PDF (326 K)
Short Communications
Revisiting an Old Record of Red-footed Booby Sula sula Bandar-e Lengeh, 28 August 1979
A. Khaleghizadeh
page 20
PDF (140 K)

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Wesca Wildlife Network / Bird Conservation Society of Iran